SBCC - Swing Better Components Collection

by Christoph Bimminger (


The Project

open source project developing several swing components, such as color combo box, components like combo boxes / text fields which have some goodies for better usability (hotkeys,...)

i started to develop a set of several swing components a huge number of software developers will use in their applications. goal of this project is to provide small components like combo boxes which let you choose a color and so on, to provide a toolset for others without spending a lot of time for components nearly each swing developer needs or paying too much for components because of having too little time to develop all of them in the own project.

As mentioned, this project is available as open source. I decided to use to share this project. It's a widely known web platform providing you CVS access to the project's files, and lots of other benefits. Visit the project summary page for current project state, and latest downloads. Feel free to submit your wishlist (or bug reports) for the project to the sourceforge project forums.

>> Go to the project summary page


Support This Project Donors are welcome. You know, each commercial software costs a lot of money. Just a small part of it is passed on to the developers working in a company, most of the money goes to the company itself. But don't forget the developers behind, they have to pay for all things in their life, e.g. for living in a flat, they need something to eat, and last but not least, they need new private IT hardware. They have to pay for all that stuff, and they have to pay for all that stuff if they are open source developers, too. If you donate such open source developers like me, they can continue providing free software solutions for you. So, please donate me!

Christoph Bimminger